Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Restless and One Hour

After handwashing the dishes last night (I miss a dishwasher.  We don't have space or correct electrical to run it), I decided to mop. I left the broom upstairs and being uber pregnant, decided to vacuum most of the dirt up off the floor first. I forgot to turn off the "beaters" so I spread dirt everywhere. [Enter first sigh]

Then I was going to hand mop, but decided, "why? I have a steam mop."  So I brought it out and proceeded to mop when -  the handle nearly broke completely off.  After a little redneck fix (aka duct tape), I went back to [careful] mopping. Well, I guess I would like a steam mop with all workable parts. It's been missing a water holder for months.  Luckily it has two. [Enter sigh 2]

I decided to clean the oven too.  Granted, it is self-cleaning, so I just push a couple buttons.  The next thing I see is flames in the oven. [Concerned at first, then grossed out. Sigh 3]

Well, I guess that needed to be cleaned.

AND THEN...I ran out of propane gas for our dryer with wet clothes in it. [Commenced laughing]

All of this happened in one hour.

We have a baby due literally any day she wants to come...and now I need a new steammop, 100lb tank for the dryer, wishing for a dishwasher, BUT at least my oven in clean and didn't burn down the house.

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